Beginning of August, Luke takes walks in the dunes twice a day... He likes moss, blueberries, drinks sea water after running. Dogs usually don't drink sea water, they don't like it salty. But we live on the shore, near the mouth of Lielupe River, which flows into the gulf and desalinates the water. While admiring the beauty of Latvia, I didn't even notice that the countdown had started... school would start soon! My students already started signing up for fall courses. In September, starts my favourite course "Russian language Unified State Exam - for mathematicians." It recently became a webinar - I introduced it online and picked interesting algorithms for techies, who struggle with Russian. Let me tell you about my assistant - Vanya. Vanya is my graduate from this year. He, too, enthusiastically figured out formulas for figuring out difficult sentences. But the most simple and genius invention - a countdown formula for figuring out phrase types, "Formula 2-1-0." Vanya double-checked himself hundreds of times, but the formula works! That's how my students, future programmers, physicists and mathematicians, learn the Russian language. But this passion for the "game of algorithms" doesn't get in their way of thoroughly reading Lermontov and Griboedov, one of the modules in my course, preparation for the essay in December.
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